Saturday 16 November 2013

The perfect home

Ferrets like humans have to have a good quality of life meaning they need to live in a really awesome place with lots for them to do!
Outside homes
If you want to have your ferret live outside, you will need a hutch or if you REALLY wish to spoil your ferret then you may even give them a whole shed! I don't know but what ever you wish to do, you must make it look really good and make if fun and safe for the ferret to live in.
Here is a hutch I found that I LOVE!
If I could I would steal this hutch and have my new ferret live in it but I can't. However you can use inspiration from what other people have created when making and decorating your own hutch!
I think that a good hutch should have a soft and comfortable bed, some ropes/hammock (something high they can play on as they love to climb),a big area for them to run around in and a place for them to do what every ferret does, eat, drink and poop!
Tunnels are a great thing to have in a ferret hutch!
However with a hutch that is outside, it is most important to have a warm bed so they do not get cold in the winter or at night so make sure they have lots of bedding and blankets to sleep in!
Inside homes
This is not a problem if you have a ferret cage that is inside because the house will be heated so they can have les blankets and bedding to sleep in but they will still need some warmth. (I mean we have quilts so they will need a mini version of a quilt as well!)
This has lots of little beds for them to relax in!
Just like they need outside they need a place to run and climb so again add hammocks and rope and a large area that has tunnels or just running room. This means they will not get bored when you are not there as they can always entertain them selves for a little while.
Lots of things to climb on in here!

Friday 1 November 2013

Dealing with the death of a ferret

Sadly on Thursday, his royal highness Rammy passed away due to what we think is a bacterial infection so he did not eat any food and was very sick. He will be greatly missed and never forgotten.

I think the best was to deal with a death of a ferret is to remember all the good about them and if you are obsessed with them as i am then i am sure you too will have taken many photos of your ferret and probably even videos! It may be an idea to look at them just to remind you how happy they really where.

It may take a while but you must try not to be too upset about it for long because they wouldn't want you to feel bad for a long time. I know my Rammy wouldn't.

Thanks for reading!

Feel free to ask me any questions!