Wednesday 26 June 2013

Bath time!

Bath time!

Ferrets tend to really like water and having a bath because it does not happen very often. You should wash you ferret a maximum of ONCE A MONTH. This is because if you wash them any more than this, they produce a lot more of their "natural sent" Than normal. This can be bad for their health. Bathing them is to get rid of dirt and not their smell because that smell is naturally produced by them. The smell can be rid of by using ferret deodorizers that you can buy.

A bath need to be the depth of their legs but no deeper ( if they can swim in it, it is too deep.) You need to use either ferret shampoo or baby shampoo. Do not use puppy shampoo or human shampoo because the chemicals in them are harmful to ferrets. Make sure you rub the shampoo in well and rinse out properly.

If you give them a towel when you have finished, they will dry themselves!So cute to watch them roll around.

Cutting nails and brushing

When it comes to cutting nails you can buy nail cutters for them
 but you will run the risk of getting it wrong. You can always go to the vets and have them professionally cut. If you wish to cut them yourself, you will need to cut them at the tip on a 45 degree angle.

When it comes to brushing you ferret where are special brushes you can get that has soft bristles so it is kind on the ferret skin and does not scratch. Ferrets love the feeling of being brushed and they always look super cute afterwards! 



Ferret get bored VERY eaisly so they always need something to do!
Here are some things you can do to ensure your ferret is not bored.

1. Use a lot of tunnels! It is the ferrets natural instinct to love to squeeze through small spaces and along tunnels. so what better than to create a maze of different tunnels for them? They are cheap to buy and it is fun to watch them run about and have fun! You must make sure not to get a tunnel that is too small as they can get stuck. Special ferret tunnels can be bought.

2. Build a blanket den! Ferrets love to curl up and roll around in blankets so if you get a few blankets, you can scrunch some up, lay some flat and even use pegs to prop up a blanket and create a roof! They will love to run around in it and curl up and go to sleep in a very comfortable place.

3. Boxes! You can create the ultimate den using boxes, blankets and tunnels. Just be creative and see what den you create. This is my favorite game to play with Rambo because no den is ever the same. They also love to play and roll around in shoes(if you have any old ones!) You can cut holes in the boxes and join them together with a tunnel, wrap a blanket on the inside of the tunnel to create a bed and you can use tennis balls of witch ferrets love to play with!



Different ferrets like to have different bedding. A good bedding to use is hay (not straw as its sharp and can spike you ferrets) This is because it is comfortable, they can move it around to make their perfect bed and is cheap to buy. However you may prefer to keep your ferret indoors so hay may get everywhere! There is soft bedding you can buy as well! If they are kept outside in a hutch for example, they need to be kept a lot warmer than they do indoors so they may need more bedding.

A hammock i made with a hanging basket and a blanket!

Ferrets love hammocks to lie and blankets to curl up in! You can buy or make hammocks that are usually a stronger material with a fleece lining because its soft of they can be made up of all fleece. Ferrets love to curl up inside a soft blanket and go to sleep for the whole day! Ferrets are nocturnal so they will try to sleep a lot of the day and are awake in the afternoon and night time!



Many people think that it is cruel to be put there ferrets in clothes but if you buy specially made and fitted clothes for them then they do not mind at all!

This is my ferret in some clothes that are too big for him so i turned up the sleeves and got rid of the lace so it now fits him perfectly, is not too tight and he can not take of the lace and run the risk of eating it! It is simple modifications like these that makes the ferret like the clothes and feel comfortable in them!

For me the best website to get clothes for your ferrets if you feel like you can not make any, is ferret couture. They have clothes for ferrets all sizes! You just chose the correct size you need (measurements go on neck and waist) and then you chose your design. They do so many things ranging for t-shirts, hoodies, dresses and coats for the colder weather!  

Ferret couture retro collar- fits all sizes
Ferret couture medium devil hoodie










Clothes i have made

I have made clothes that fit my ferret Rambo perfectly because i can make them to fit every exact measurement. Its so useful to be able to sew!

The clothes i made use buttons that have to be sewn on very well and extremely tightly to prevent the risk of Rammy eating one of them. They have to have no loose threads as he may choke on them and it all has to be sewn twice to made sure the stitching does not come undone and the way you thread it can be used as decoration.

Tuesday 25 June 2013



Many ferrets like to eat different things! You may feel you want to spoil your ferret by giving him food humans would like to eat for example leftovers from your plate. But what does that actually do to them?

I like to give my ferret food from pets at home. This is because its main ingredient is chicken of which Rambo loves and its a great source of protein!
Ferrets need the correct amount of fibre, minerals, vitamins and protien to be heatly just like we do. So by feeding them human food constantly means they ay be missing out on one of these aspects. I do like to give Rammy a treat of chicken from time to time but not everyday.

There are other things you can give your ferret as a treat. Such as specially made ferret chew treats of many flavors ans also ferret tonics. This is a mixture of cod liver oil, vitamins and its in a liquid form. People use this to treat and train ferrets. It also gives them a healthy coat and prevents hairballs.

Thanks for reading!

Feel free to ask me any questions!