Wednesday 26 June 2013

Bath time!

Bath time!

Ferrets tend to really like water and having a bath because it does not happen very often. You should wash you ferret a maximum of ONCE A MONTH. This is because if you wash them any more than this, they produce a lot more of their "natural sent" Than normal. This can be bad for their health. Bathing them is to get rid of dirt and not their smell because that smell is naturally produced by them. The smell can be rid of by using ferret deodorizers that you can buy.

A bath need to be the depth of their legs but no deeper ( if they can swim in it, it is too deep.) You need to use either ferret shampoo or baby shampoo. Do not use puppy shampoo or human shampoo because the chemicals in them are harmful to ferrets. Make sure you rub the shampoo in well and rinse out properly.

If you give them a towel when you have finished, they will dry themselves!So cute to watch them roll around.

Cutting nails and brushing

When it comes to cutting nails you can buy nail cutters for them
 but you will run the risk of getting it wrong. You can always go to the vets and have them professionally cut. If you wish to cut them yourself, you will need to cut them at the tip on a 45 degree angle.

When it comes to brushing you ferret where are special brushes you can get that has soft bristles so it is kind on the ferret skin and does not scratch. Ferrets love the feeling of being brushed and they always look super cute afterwards! 

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