Wednesday 30 October 2013

Ferret proofing!

Ferrets love to run around and roll everywhere so what better place to do that than outside!?
however you cannot just let them roam free any where and tunnel under anything so you need to ferret proof your garden!

Here is a garden that has wire squares and chicken wire over a fence.
My garden has chicken wire around an area of grass to prevent Rammy from escaping. It may not5 look the best however it is only a small part of the garden.

One way to stop ferrets from escaping but still allowing them to be in the garden and on grass is to have a run the can play in. It can have ladders, tunnels and boxes in them to keep them entertained. Also if you don't trust them to go in the garden or do not want to ferret proof anything them you can walk them on a lead but that does mean ou have to keep a great eye on them! (unlike in a run)

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