Thursday 11 July 2013

How to make a felt hammock!

How to make a felt hammock!

You may think that you have to buy a hammock for your ferret because either you don't think you can make one or you feel that the one you make will not be very good. However these instructions show that they are simple to make and look really cool if you just have a felt blanket! No sewing is needed!

You will need- scissors, felt blanket and some hooks.

Step one- get three pieces of felt, one large approx. 40cm2, another 5cm smaller and another 5 cm smaller than that. The size of the first square depends on how big your ferret is and how many ferrets are going to use it.

step 2- Cut out 4 thin 20cm strips of felt.

Step 3- layer the 3 squares on top of each other with one of their corners all overlapping. 
Cut a small hole through all of the pieces on the corners overlapping as shown by the cross.
Step 4- you need to do the same with every one of the corners. Re-match each of the three corners as show on the diagram above and thread one of the felt strips through all three of the holes. Make sure you tie it at the top to create a loop. Do this for all the the similar corners.
Don't worry if the hammock looks like it is sagging on the larger piece and less on the smaller piece. This is supposed to happen! You should end up with it looking this this-

 Is has been held up with hooks going through the loops made by the felt strips. Rammy just loves his because he can climb on any of the layers. The layers mean more support, more than one ferret can go on the hammock at any one time and they can climb in and out of the separate compartments!

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