Saturday 21 September 2013

Facing ferrity boredom!

Ferrets git bored just like we do so to keep them amused you have to think f things they can do because it is impossible to be around them all the time. (sadly) However you may think that creating new toys and games for them is expensive. Not if you make it all your self!

I made everything inside of Rammy's hutch and it stops him for getting bored!

It started out as an old wooden hitch so i got some paint, painted it, created a wind chime using string, a bamboo cane and a wooden panel, made a climbing wall using string, tied rope for him to climb on on the ceiling, gave him a tennis ball and created a bed with some wood pieces nailed  together to form a box and them putting a blanket inside it.

Ferrets prefer strips of newspaper and paper bedding rather than hay or straw as hay can get stuck in their feet and it is not good for them. Paper is much softer to walk on and will not cause any damage. 

This shows that you do not have to spend a lot of money to make sure your ferret is not bored. You can make it all you self. Also that way you can make a game or toy that you know your ferret wil love because only you know what they really like!

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